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Nominee for 2019 Python Software Foundation Board Election

Adam Hopkins

  • Previous Board Service: New board member
  • Employer: Etz Lime - Independent contractor; Matrix Retail
  • Other Affiliations: Core dev and project maintainer of Sanic
  • Nominee Statement:

      Do good. Build something good.

      I am a self-taught programmer over the last 20+ years. I have been working professionally as a programmer for the last 4 years. Previous to that, I practiced law. Lawyer jokes welcome.

      For a long time I deeply appreciated the work of others in open source. About a year and a half ago I started seeing a trend in an open source project that I enjoyed using. It look like it was going to fail from lack of updates and developer burnout. I helped pull together a community of developers and together we took the project to the community to run and build. I am actively involved in helping not only its technical development , but the development of the community behind the project to support it and keep it growing. It has given me great organizational insight in working with others in open source.

      As someone that has watched the community for a long time, and as someone that has legal experience, I feel that my background is well suited to helping the Python community. I have other past experience in community involvement serving on committees and oversight.

      I have a passion to do good and to help.