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Python 3.13.1

Release Date: Dec. 3, 2024

This is the first maintenance release of Python 3.13

Python 3.13 is the newest major release of the Python programming language, and it contains many new features and optimizations compared to Python 3.12. 3.13.1 is the latest maintenance release, containing almost 400 bugfixes, build improvements and documentation changes since 3.13.0.

Security content in this release

  • gh-126623: Upgraded libexpat to 2.6.4 to fix CVE-2024-50602.
  • gh-122792: Changed IPv4-mapped ipaddress.IPv6Address to consistently use the mapped IPv4 address value for deciding properties. Properties which have their behavior fixed are is_multicast, is_reserved, is_link_local, is_global, and is_unspecified.
  • gh-124651: Properly quote template strings in venv activation scripts.
  • gh-125140: Remove the current directory from sys.path when using PyREPL.

Major new features of the 3.13 series, compared to 3.12

Some of the new major new features and changes in Python 3.13 are:

New features


Removals and new deprecations

  • PEP 594 (Removing dead batteries from the standard library) scheduled removals of many deprecated modules: aifc, audioop, chunk, cgi, cgitb, crypt, imghdr, mailcap, msilib, nis, nntplib, ossaudiodev, pipes, sndhdr, spwd, sunau, telnetlib, uu, xdrlib, lib2to3.
  • Many other removals of deprecated classes, functions and methods in various standard library modules.
  • C API removals and deprecations. (Some removals present in alpha 1 were reverted in alpha 2, as the removals were deemed too disruptive at this time.)
  • New deprecations, most of which are scheduled for removal from Python 3.15 or 3.16.

For more details on the changes to Python 3.13, see What's new in Python 3.13.

More resources

Full Changelog


Version Operating System Description MD5 Sum File Size GPG Sigstore SBOM
Gzipped source tarball Source release 6820ac52d77af870f795dabc64583234 27.9 MB SIG .sigstore SPDX
XZ compressed source tarball Source release 80c16badb94ffe235280d4d9a099b8bc 21.5 MB SIG .sigstore SPDX
macOS 64-bit universal2 installer macOS for macOS 10.13 and later 19e5a1d9e8264c88706ac9604c526e9b 68.2 MB SIG .sigstore
Windows installer (64-bit) Windows Recommended 90176c0cfa29327ab08c6083dcdcc210 27.4 MB SIG .sigstore SPDX
Windows installer (32-bit) Windows 12455257e0eaf8c7a3b0af6522647638 26.1 MB SIG .sigstore SPDX
Windows installer (ARM64) Windows Experimental f35c98b7b0924865021e89160f208cdb 26.7 MB SIG .sigstore SPDX
Windows embeddable package (64-bit) Windows d5c8030976b5eaf55ed6b321c073dda7 10.3 MB SIG .sigstore SPDX
Windows embeddable package (32-bit) Windows 87e2f278da8ddb60e681ad1b5bb9e555 9.2 MB SIG .sigstore SPDX
Windows embeddable package (ARM64) Windows 7848dbb812b79e61146a592bb19075ee 9.6 MB SIG .sigstore SPDX